Chapter 2 - The Universe to Human Emergence: A Story of Becoming

This chapter sets the “big picture” of our human history within our physical and biological history from the big bang through the evolution of our species. Woven into this chapter’s narrative are five flows —interdependence, paradox, creative and destructive energies, change and continuity, and commonalities and diversity—that help create the universe, generate life on earth, and shape our human story.

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Author's Comments

I debated many times about whether to include this chapter in this holistic world history book. The debate centered on several different issues. One was the already tremendous scope of world history, now I was adding another chapter that wasn’t “really history” but science. Second, some educators and students might find the information does not fit into their worldview, and therefore should not be studied. Third, I am not a scientist and these topics were beyond only my superficial knowledge. All of these issues were important to consider.

But, as you can see, I finally decided to include it. I had a good rationale for doing so, at least in my opinion it was good rationale. I wanted to connect human history to the larger history of the earth and universe. I didn’t want to portray humans as separate and unconnected from the larger forces that play out around us. Instead, we are part of an interdependent process. The five flows are designed to make those connections. Hopefully, you and your students will identify with this process and appreciate it effects.