For Educators

Welcome Educators!

The educational mission of the Center for Global Awareness is to provide holistic, globally-focused, and culturally-enriched books and resources for educators and students grades 9-university.

Dr. Denise R. Ames draws on decades in the education field, a wealth of cross-cultural travel experiences, and a concern for the education of people of all ages as inspiration for founding the Center for Global Awareness in 2003. She feels passionate about creating books and resources infused with a holistic approach, balanced views, and global perspective. Along with consulting and professional development workshops, she has written nine books, numerous blogs, lesson plans, and educational resources for CGA. These materials have been thoughtfully designed for educators, students in grades 9 through university, and lifelong learners.

Please see CGA's educational approach for a more in-depth explanation of our educational philosophy.

FREE Resources for CGA Books

We are pleased to provide a variety of FREE resources for educators, students (grades 9-university), and lifelong learners.

World History Resources Global Economy Resources Human Rights Resources Five Worldview Resources
World History Resources Global Economy Resources Human Rights Resources Five Worldviews 1st ed. Resources


FREE Global Lesson Plans

Bhutan Korean Wave Bahrain Students K Pop
Bhutan: The Kingdom of
Gross National Happiness
The Korean Wave: Is South Korea Creating a Model
for the 21st Century?
Bahrain, UAE, and Qatar: Summaries of Ten Significant Topics Korean Pop Culture: Entertainment for a
Globalized World


Gather Resources

Please visit our Gather page for more information on the program.